Looking forward to BEYOND ZOOM

Matera, Italy, 6-10 April 2022

Beyond Zoom: Digital Arts Education Co-lab will offer arts education professionals an unique opportunity to improve their digital skills, exchange with professionals from around Europe and contribute to an exciting international research project over a 5-day residency taking place in the beautiful Italian city of Matera. 

Beyond Zoom will bring together educators, artists and project managers from around Europe to explore digital education methods, working with diverse communities and the digital gap.

A core group of 18 participants will take part in an interactive 5 day programme enabling them to discover a range of digital education, co-creation and collaboration methodologies, enrich them with their own skills and design and test exciting new ideas. 

A strategic space for learning and reflection, the course will include workshops, presentations, skill-sharing, Q&A sessions with project leaders and opportunities to exchange with the Matera arts community. Participants will develop small-scale pilots for digital or hybrid arts education activities that will be put into practice with online learners both during the co-lab and at a later date with their own learner communities. 

Activities will be facilitated by staff members of Mind the Gap partner organisations. 

Participants will have the opportunity to share their work and exchange with the local community at a participatory forum on 9 April. 


Enable arts workers to facilitate online learning activities, co-create and collaborate online, conceive participatory arts projects that blend online and offline elements, implement digital elements and activities in existing projects and learn more about digital methodologies in practice across Europe. 

To find out more, get in touch.


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