The Mind the Gap case study database is now live!

The Mind the Gap case studies database is now live and showcasing 15 online education projects from across Europe that engaged with online participants in an innovative, accessible and cost-effective manner.

Here are a few words of advice from the project leaders:

Digital tools can help us make the spectator central to a  performance and enable people to interact with a piece in a way that differs from the usual concert-going experience, but doesn’t replace face-to-face contact.” 

Berlioz Trip Orchestra - A digital journey through the world of Berlioz (France)

“Use digital tools to reinforce connections between artistic teams and co-creators. Platforms such as Facebook and Whatsapp groups can help nurture and maintain relationships beyond workshops and project activities.” 

Carmen and the Other Extraordinary Girls: co-creating with women from Northern and Southern Italy (Italy)

“Strong relationships with local organisations foster the trust and flexibility needed to implement brave projects and adapt processes when needed.” 

Future Visions - a participatory video project connecting the arts, science and conservation (UK)

“Provide as much information as possible and set clear guidelines. By telling learners how you expect them to engage with the sessions, you help them draw more out of them.” 

Musical Virtual Lab: an online workshop series aimed at professional musicians

“Make it clear whether you’re seeking to impart information, start a conversation or gather ideas. You need to take people’s needs into account and have that clarity of communication from the offset.”

Opera-tic - a digital opera co-created with people living with Tourette’s Syndrome

“People provide something that is highly personal, but it is the project leader (or editing video-maker) who has the final say on what is done with it. It’s very important to be clear about that process. You need to offer space for artistic freedom but also set clear boundaries. If there is too much complexity and freedom, people can struggle.”

Puls einer Stadt - An inclusive digital community project for newcomers to ballet

Check out the database below!


A look back at Beyond Zoom


Producing the world’s first Virtual Reality Community Opera