What’s next? Digital tools in creative learning - recap

Last week, arts educators from all over Europe joined us for the participatory online forum What’s next? Digital tools in creative learning, organised by RESEO as the final event of Mind the Gap.

Following a presentation of the three resources produced as part of the project, attendees took part in a participatory session in which they reflected upon the needs of the arts education with regards to developing high-quality digital and hybrid experiences.

Paolo Montemurro of Materahub then presented some opportunities for collaboration and funding via European Commission programmes, a recording of which is available on the Knowledge Hub. The event was then concluded with a presentation of The Moon is Listening, a hybrid community project co-created by Mind the Gap project partners Garsington Opera and participants in the Beyond Zoom training in Matera.

For a recoding of the complete session, please contact europe@reseo.org.


New publication: Mind the Gap research report